台灣神信仰的推廣 (2/6)
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (2/6)
Promotion Methods
Different types of gods’ seat have been designed to cope with various conditions in the street promotion of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn”, and are shown in a series of pictures from Picture 6 to Picture 9. Most of movable gods’ seats contain the pictures of Tâi-uân-sîn representatives and a brief description of the great deeds beneath each picture. Such design is to allow more people within a brief moment to make acquaintance of Tâi-uân-sîn. In addition, volunteers will send out leaflets on-site with an interpretation to deepen people’s understanding of the causes and objectives of the movement. The talisman is a personal wearing gift and also a spiritual protection symbol from Tâi-uân-sîn for who are willingly to spend more time making acquaintance with Tâi-uân-sîn.
(to be continued)