Tâi-uân-sîn Representative Unrelated to 228 Incident
There are 12 representatives unrelated to 228 Incident. Most of them have outstanding contributions in multiple field, especially in the field of politics, academia, medical, engineering and media. A list of these representatives according their professional field is shown in Table 2.
Some of them are the pioneers with their unflinching belief in Taiwan independence. Some of them are the first and second generations of mainlanders and followers that openly advocate independence after rethinking their national identity. They all share the similar experiences and stories in pursuing the universal values throughout their lifetime perseveringly.
(to be continued)
Tâi-uân-sîn Representative Unrelated to 228 Incident
There are 12 representatives unrelated to 228 Incident. Most of them have outstanding contributions in multiple field, especially in the field of politics, academia, medical, engineering and media. A list of these representatives according their professional field is shown in Table 2.
Some of them are the pioneers with their unflinching belief in Taiwan independence. Some of them are the first and second generations of mainlanders and followers that openly advocate independence after rethinking their national identity. They all share the similar experiences and stories in pursuing the universal values throughout their lifetime perseveringly.
(to be continued)