新聞報導 - 大地新聞報導 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會 | |
2013-08-02 點擊上圖可看大圖 為何稱為「228台灣神」(1/2) 228 947年的228事件是台灣歷史上重要的轉捩點符號,有其重要的影響與定位。國民政府的國家暴力對台灣的傷害影響有「打擊台人心理,導致長期對政治的恐懼與冷漠;造成菁英斷層,影響地方政治生態;有利國民黨一黨專政,阻礙民主政治發展;加深族群隔閡,不利台灣文化發展」。在這種比日治時期殖民體制之下更為淒慘的後續高壓統治,促成台灣人開始思索我是誰、自己的定位該如何、未來要走向何處的自我探索。也就是說,「228」已成為關鍵性的象徵,意即台灣人當自己國家的主人,才是唯一的生存之道。 (未完待續) Why call them 228 Tâi-uân-sîn? (1/2) The Significance of 228 The February 28th Incident of 1947, known as the 2-28 massacre, is an important turning point of Taiwan's history. It’s a state violence inflicted by Nationalist Government and has the following detrimental influences on Taiwan: “a psychological impact on Taiwanese people leads to long-term fearfulness and indifference toward politics, a shortage of elite impacts on local political situation, a favor to KMT’s one-party dictatorship hinders the development of democratic politics, a widening racial gap detrimental to the development of Taiwan's culture.” The subsequent Chinese KMT’s oppressive rule, which is even more miserable than the regime under Japanese colonial period, impel Taiwanese began a self-exploration of thinking about who we are, how to position ourselves, and where to move forward. In other words, “228” is a symbol of “The sovereignty of the people is the only way to survive.” Even more so, it’s a critical impetus for the Taiwan independence movement. A schematic diagram of the historical turning points of the 228 Incident is depicted in Figure 2. (to be continued) |